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Home: Welcome

Welcome to Catastrophe Cat Grooming!
A place for cats to relax and enjoy the one-on-one attention that we give to each and every cat.
We welcome exotic cats, feral cats, heavily matted cats, aggressive cats, first-time cats, senior citizen cats, and every kitty in between. We think you and your feline friend will love the experience we offer here at Catastrophe's.

Ginger Cat

When it comes to grooming cats, a common miss understanding is that cats are “self-cleaning”, but that’s not the case! Imagine this.... let's put a fur coat on you, and you can only freshen up by licking yourself - for several years. How clean would you feel?

Just like dogs, many cats spend a lot of time outside where they climb through bushes, play around in yards, catch mice, or get caught in the rain. This can cause just as many hygiene problems as dogs that cat owners tend to overlook - especially because outdoor cats tend to not be around as much as outside dogs.

Serious Kitten
Multi-Colored Cat

Indoor cats still need to be taken care of as well. Their coats act like dust mops collecting dust from places like under the bed. And we all know that cats shed, most cat owners rarely groom their cats as much as dog owners, which means that most cats are well overdue for a proper pampering.

But have you ever tried to bathe a cat? Or clip its nails? It can be more difficult than grooming a dog potentially leaving you with scratches and a lot of frustration. When not groomed with consideration of the cats' feelings, they can end up traumatized by the experience which will cause them to have anxiety at any future bath attempts.

Having a Bath
Cute Cat

At Catastrophe Cat Grooming We offer full-service cat grooming, using nothing but patience - we never force a cat to do anything it doesn't want to do.

Another important detail - we listen to the cats. They do have a language, and when they tell us they need a break, we give them one.

Our approach to kitty baths, never, ever includes the use of tie-downs, restraints, leads, harnesses, or sedation. Cats are a free spirit, and they don't do well being restrained. We show them something different. Most cats are happy to let us groom them - gently, respectfully, patiently.

Yawning Cat

We ask that prior to your cat's appointment, please do not give them tranquilizers, sedation, C.B.D., or any other type of mind-altering substances. We will have to reschedule the appointment and send them home.

We go above and beyond to keep your cat clean, comfortable, beautiful, and healthy!

At Catastrophe Cat Grooming, we work hard to earn you, and your kitty's trust.

We want you to know that your fur baby is always treated with respect. They are safe with us.

Cat Being Cozy
White Cat

Our groomers are happy to share a few grooming tips and tricks that you may want to try out at home We believe that educating people on safe, stress-free grooming kitties is in the cat's best interest. Consistent, patient, grooming is a great way of bonding & shows the cat that they are loved. Cats will live longer, be happy, and enjoy good health.

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